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Friday, January 4, 2013

Winter hike in Rothrock State Forest

Photographed with a Sony NEX-3 and Sony 16mm lens


  1. nice pics! but why is he on a leash?

  2. Ah, he's got too much Hound (hunting dog) in him. If we let him off the leash he'll start tracking deer and never come back! BTW, watch your e-mail. I'll write soon!

  3. Your pictures are beautiful, I believe you were a professor of mine a few years back. I had remembered that you were a photographer and seeing your pictures here. Neither less, I love the ever changing simplicity of these pictures in this collection.

  4. Hi Chanti, it's nice to hear from you. I hope all is well! Thank you for your comments, its very kind of you. All the best,
